Windows: Using Aligner with high resolution displays

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Peter Richterich
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Windows: Using Aligner with high resolution displays

Post by Peter Richterich »

This post only applies to CodonCode Aligner version 6 on Windows computers. The issue has been resolved in CodonCode Aligner version 7.0.1. Users with a current update and support agreement who experience this problem should update to the newest version of CodonCode Aligner.

On some Windows computers with very high resolution screens, for example the displays on Microsoft Surface 4 computers, CodonCode Aligner windows and fonts are very small. This post describes a solution to this problem. Please note that this problem only affects high dpi displays on Windows; it does not affect most regular monitors (with typical resolutions up to 1920 x 1080 pixels), or most laptops with "HD" displays, or Mac computers.

Basic Instructions
To solve the problem, click on this link to download a ZIP archive that contains a small program (.bat file) that first changes system settings to work around the problem, and then starts CodonCode Aligner. Depending on your browser, you may need to right-click on the links and choose "Save As" to download the file, or choose the "Save" option in a dialog.

After downloading the ZIP file, locate the downloaded file, and extract (unpack) its contents to your desktop or another location of your choice. To start CodonCode Aligner, double-click on the extracted "Run CodonCode Aligner.bat" file. The first time you do this, you may see a security alert; on Windows 10, the message states "Windows protected your PC". To start the program anyway, click on "More info", and then "Run anyway".

Double-clicking on Aligner project files
If you typically start CodonCode Aligner by double-clicking on Aligner project files, there one more step you have to do:
  1. Open an Explorer window and find a project file
  2. Right-click on the project file
  3. From the popup menu, select "Open with", then "Choose another app"
  4. Make sure the checkbox "Always use this app to open .ccap files" is selected
  5. Click on "More apps"
  6. Scroll down the list of programs, and select "Look for another app on this PC"
  7. Navigate to where you installed the "Run CodonCode Aligner.bat" file, and select it
  8. Click "Open"
After this, double-clicking on a project file will automatically open CodonCode Aligner by using the "Run CodonCode Aligner.bat" file.

Non-standard install locations
The .bat file assumes that CodonCode Aligner is installed in the default directory (C:\Program Files\CodonCode Aligner). If you installed CodonCode Aligner in a non-standard location, for example on a different drive, you will need to change the "Run CodonCode Aligner.bat" file. Open the file with an editor like NotePad, change the line that contains "C:\Program Files\CodonCode Aligner\CodonCode Aligner.exe" to point to where you installed CodonCode Aligner, and save the file.
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