Aligner_Installer.exe /passive gives problems

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Aligner_Installer.exe /passive gives problems

Postby jasevink » Thu Oct 17, 2013 3:10 am

We install CodonCode by the command Aligner_Installer.exe /passive on Windows XP SP3.
It looks all ok, but when starting we get the errors:
"There was an error reading the file containing the protain translation tables.
Protein definition file not found.
The default translation tables will be used"


"There was an error reading the restriction enzyme file.
A default set of enzymes is used"

Installing with the command Aligner_Installer.exe does not have this problem. On a remote install this is not an option, we need the passive option.
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Re: Aligner_Installer.exe /passive gives problems

Postby Peter Richterich » Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:41 am

When running the installer without a user interface on 32-bit systems, some of the application files are misplaced by the Windows installer. These are the files that are specific to 32-bit systems, which include the executable, a .dll file, and a few other files. On 32-bit XP versions, these files are incorrectly put into a sub-directory that is named "32-bit". The install seems to work without problems on 64-bit systems.

In theory, a workaround for remote installs would be to move these files to the correct location when the install is complete. However, we do not recommend this, since the moved files will not be removed when uninstalling the software, and may therefore cause problems in future updates.

The problem appears to be due to a bug in the software used to create the installer executable. We have contacted the manufacturer about this issue.
Peter Richterich
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Re: Aligner_Installer.exe /passive gives problems

Postby Peter Richterich » Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:02 am

This was indeed a bug in the software used to create the installer. We have been able to use a workaround suggested by the manufacturer that fixes the problem.

A new Windows installer is available for download from our website. The only change in this installer is that it now works properly on 32-bit Windows when used from the command line with the /passive or /qn options. Please download the new installer from

To verify that you are using this new version, please check the size of the downloaded file. The correct file size is 72,483,560 bytes for version 4.2.4.
Peter Richterich
Site Admin
Posts: 100
Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:23 pm

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